Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blog Post #2

Hi everyone! 

Today I'll start off by writing about how I've used MS Word as a student and how I've seen my teachers use it. As a writer, I have personally used MS Word my entire life. As an English Education major, it is very important for me to understand MS Word, because the majority of my classes are essay based. My teachers in high school used MS Word as a tool to layout how to do our assignments. They also used it to write out their syllabus at the beginning of the year, this is how must of my college professors also use MS Word. 

I don't have many experience using copyright. I have if works cited counts as copyright use. 
the CSMI describes fair use as the "right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances". The text describes this as flexible, I guess because in order to properly educate you should be allowed to quote and use texts to teach. I think as a teacher I'd be careful with how I use material in class. I'd make sure that fair use is in place and that I wouldn't violate any copyright laws. I'd educate my students about copyright and how to put into use fair use, because I know it will come in handy to them as they progress in their educational career. 

I think the implementation issues in Chapter 11 are very valid. I do think the implementation of technology comes with many challenges. Three issues I would try and pose solutions for would be copyright, cyberbullying, and privacy issues. Pertaining copyright, I would try and teach my students how to use other's information for their presentations while giving the correct people credit. I'd show them that it's never okay to steal other people's words. I do not and will never condone cyberbullying. I would hope that I could teach my kids how to be compassionate and kind. I would not tolerate any action like this and would speak out if I saw any child being bullied. I think privacy is very important. With all the social media today I wouldn't tell my kids not to use it, because that's unrealistic. I would tell them to keep each other and themselves safe. Make sure that you are not talking or reaching out to strangers. Make sure that your accounts are protected. I think these would me solutions for these three implementation issues.

Have a nice week, hopefully I'll see you all next week!
Bella Alvarez

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

Blog Post #1

Some things that influence teachers to use technology is the growing impact that technology is having in our society. In order to provide the best education to students teachers need to be able to communicate lessons in different ways. The same goes for students. Nowadays technology is a common daily thing in young peoples lives. They need to learn how to grow with technology and not let it hinder their education.

One ISTE standard that I like for students is the digital citizenship. It means that students learn how to use their technology responsibly. Students learn that it is important to consider the legal practices that follow technology. One ISTE standard that is outside my current skill set it research and information fluency because my skills when it comes to doing research are not too good.

A digital native is a person that was raised during the rise of technology and has learned how to use it at a very young age. I think this label is very accurate. I do believe that there is nothing wrong with children being comfortable with technology at an early age, as long as it does not hinder their social development. I find that some teachers, who we'll call digital immigrants for now, have a harder time using technology than digital natives. I also find that digital natives know how to navigate technology with ease while to some digital immigrants it might take a bit. I anticipate that when I am a teacher I will be very comfortable with technology, but of course my students will probably have a better understanding of the latest technological break through than I will.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blog Post #0

In this first blog post I'm going to talk a little on my previous experience with technology. My previous experience with technology is very slim. I've always struggled with Excel and I say the most I know about technology is how to upload my music from my computer to my Iphone. I've owned a Mac for many years and in my opinion it is one of the simpler computers out there. I only ever use it to write essays for class, watch netflix, play tetris, etc.
I think I will learn a lot from this class. Hopefully, I will become proficient in Excel, Word, and Powerpoint. I don't know much technological terminology, but I think this class will also help me figure that out!
When I took the Learning Style Questionnaire these were my results:

The first row shows that I learn better when I am allowed to think about the material and that I usually prefer to learn alone.
The second row shows that I like learning more conceptual ideas rather than hard facts and data. I can see why this is true. I do have a passion for literature which would translate to me enjoying theories and ideas.
The third row shows that I definitely retain information better when it is explained to me and when it is written. Like I said I do read a lot more than I watch T.V so this seems pretty accurate.
The final row shows that I like to learn things step by step. I don't really like to learn bits and pieces at a time, or jumping around from beginning to end. I like to see how things evolve and how it works in a nice process.