Tuesday, April 18, 2017

ILP #3 "Design"- Prezi

For this ILP I decided to show you all a Prezi that I made about a year ago to go with a research essay I wrote about the effects of pornography. I've used Prezis a lot in the past because I really like the appealing nature of the Prezis. They are very visually stimulating and I feel that is something that is lacking with Powerpoint. In this Prezi I have pictures uploaded and videos attached to it. I hope you all enjoy this Prezi and hopefully learn something too!
Prezi- What They Don't Want You to Know About Porn

Monday, April 17, 2017

Blog Post #10

I think Excel is a really cool tool that most kids have no idea how to use. I think this is partly because it was never really integrated into our curriculum. I was taught the basics of Excel, but far to early to truly understand it. I think survey's would be a really interesting way to get feedback from students on how they're learning and developing. In the setting of an English classroom I would use the survey as a tool to see which books the kids enjoyed more, which lessons stuck more clearly to them, and which ones they would read again if they had too.

I really liked viewing other people's blogs because it really gave me the sense of what kind of teacher they will become and how they will use technology in the classroom.

I think the next technology related skill I would like to learn how to use is Photoshop, we really covered a lot of the technologies here that are important to us as teachers. I think that learning Photoshop would just be a really interesting thing and maybe I could use graphic design as a lesson plan of some sorts. I think I can probably self teach this, if not I will go and sign up for some classes and learn more about the technology.

ILP #2 "Design"- Edmodo

For this ILP I decided to try and use Edmodo to create a fictitious learning environment. I set this as if I was a first year teacher teaching AP Literature to high school seniors. There isn't much on my Edmodo page, but I did upload a syllabus, post notes, and enter in assignments. In order to view my page just go this site. Once you are at the site click "Join a group" on the right hand corner of the screen and type in this code:
It will prompt you to login with Google or create an account and then you'll be able to view my page.

This will lead you to my Edmodo page. I have to admit, using Edmodo was pretty easy and self explanatory and I know I could have made such an amazing web page had I known more about how to properly use the tool. I like the fact that I can create a learning environment online and have a quick place for all my students to see the assignments and the syllabus. I will say that if my school doesn't have Blackboard or any other online tool, I will be using Edmodo to distribute assignments. It is so easy to use and students can actually post comments on your page or email you directly to this site. I believe students can even turn in assignments( though I confess I have no idea how to open that up to them). I think this is a really cool system that more of you should check out.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog Post #9

The Flipped Classroom is an interesting design. Basically, the way you think school works is flipped or reversed. So instead of hearing the lectures in class and doing homework at home the students watch the lectures at home and do their work in class. I understand how this really uses technology, but I am not a fan. At least when I student comes in without his homework, I know that he was in class paying attention. When the students are in charge of taking in the lecture information themselves, I am afraid of what will happen when they don't listen to the lecture. I'd have to give them the lecture while they're supposed to be working on their work. They really do like projects, discussions, and exercises. I'm afraid at how lost a student might feel just because they didn't listen to the lecture.

Now Open Source is a little difficult to understand. So this pertains to the software code that is made free and available and can be modified and redistributed. A lot of the open software codes are free so this is good for people that want to make programs and such that can't regularly afford it. It's good for people who can't code that well and can use this open source as a free template of sorts. This site below gives us a good list of open source sites for various things.


I really enjoyed the Powerpoint assignment. I had never known how to record the powerpoint like that so it's a show instead of a presentation. I really liked showing off my creativity like that. This was my little study guide for the first powerpoint assignment.

For the game it was even more fun. All I learned through that was 100% new, and I know when I become a teacher I'll be making games for my kids all the time.
If you wanna take the Lit term game, let me know. We'll test your memory of high school literature!