First of all, it was so much fun! In all honesty I had never heard of the Tech Sandbox till that day. It was so interesting when we got walked through all the fun technology they have in their office. My highlight would be the 3D pen, just because it has always astounded me that something as ordinary as a pen could make a 3D figure. We got to experience the Promethean board and the Smart board. I think if I were wanting to teach younger students I would go for the Promethean board, just because it prevents little kids from coming and touching the board. Since I plan on teaching high school I think I'm indifferent to the two. Although, it was super cool when he could rotate the anatomy of an ear on the boards!
I didn't get to use the Oculus or the Google glasses, I look forward to that in the future. I also think its interesting how the Sandbox also has products that went through testing to be mass produced, but just never got launched, like the Google glasses and the 3D TV.
I definitely look forward to spending some more time in the Sandbox and making my very own 3D printed dragon! Hope you guys enjoy the pictures that I captured!
Great reflection, Bella. I also recommend you resize the images! They are too much large.